Tomorrow, March 13th, Del Rio is partnering with the SMART organization to raise money for the program. SMART (Start Making A Reader Today) recruits thousands of volunteers to read one-on-one with K-3 grade children in need of literacy support. Every week for seven months, volunteers read aloud with kids to help them gain confidence in their reading ability. Since 1992 SMART has served 130,000 children, given away 1.8 million books, and enlisted the help of 90,000 volunteers contributing over 2.8 million hours.

When: March 13th 2010
Time: 2-5 PM
Where: Del Rio Winery
Tickets: $25 - purchase at Del Rio, at the door or at the Rogue Valley SMART office (541)734-5628.
Please feel free to contact the Tasting Room with questions at (541)855-2062) or email us at taste@delriovineyards.com
Interested in volunteering or learning more about the SMART program visit their website at http://www.getsmartoregon.org/index.html
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